Sources-Japan Project

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What I have learned so far this year from my AMAZIING history teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

So far this year I have learned very many things about history. What I have realized that I had not thought about in the beginning of the year is why other places in the world are not as fortunate of us who live in the United States. A place in the world that is a great example Afghanistan. I also had no clue what the Second Industrial Revolution was. Now I know that it is when many things began to change for example the physical setting of cities as well as technology. I am now able to tell what kind of information is really worth using better than before. I use to not really understand what Darwinism was but now I know that it is when people that have more money have a better life than those who do not have so much money. I also did not know that the new president of Afghanistan is Karzai. I have learned that I can not do home work at school. Not even if I am separated from the people I always talk to. I also learned that I am a big time procrastinator. I am trying to fix that but it is very hard. What frustrated me the most was the part about Nationalism. That is why I am doing it last and leaving it for the weekend. What did not work for me was trying to concentrate on the blogging during school. It was a very large and hard challenge. I think that what could have helped in doing this would have been to stay on the topic of Nationalism a little bit more time. I also think that what helped me the most to stay on task and not fail this was to have a certain date due for each post and us not having the choice of doing it the night right before the exam day. I love my Mrs. Lawson!!! She is great!

Picture of Bloody Sunday, which occurred in the time of Nationalism.

Karzai, the new President of Afghanistan.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Nationalism was a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country. Nationalism gave people from the same place a feeling of identity and the goal of making their own homeland. Nationalism emerged in France in the late 1700's. The impact Nationalism had on Europe was war. It made people want their own nation were they spoke their own language. It made them feel manipulated. It is what caused Europe unbalanced the balance of powers and later on, World War 1. It caused the war because every ethnicity wanted their own country ruled by them and not people from a different ethnicity.

I believe that my group did a good job of letting our audience know what we were trying to tell them that the emperor did not want his son to have any changes done to the empire. My group focused on how nationalist ideas were changing the way people wanted things. Also, on getting the class to know that everyone wanted change except for the emperor. We were able to be clear on the characters. They were not confusng and they did not have to guess who was who. We did not focus to much on the part about dual monarchy.

Nationalism in our section was differnent from the one of how nationalism impacted Italy. For Italy, nationalism was good and did not cause war, instead it caused unification. Before nationalism came in, Italy was a place were very often there were wars. After they were united they went through a time of turmoil. The turmoil was mostly caused by anarchists, who were people who wanted to abolish the government. After their hard times, Italy began to progress in its economy. Many jobs arose for pesants so they began to move into the city. This caused a population explosion, which then caused emigration.

I think nationalism is a good thing because I think that every ethnicity should have a person in charge that is of the same ethnicity. I also think it is good because if everyone knows the same language and has the same kind of beliefs, then it does make a strong unification. I think it might be reinvented to be more useful for global societies by making the different parts of the world like Afghanistan and other places that need help. It could also be useful for being friends with the whole world instead of everyone fighting and bieng unhappy with each other.

Giuseppe Mazzini, big time nationalist.

Unfication with nationalism.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Urbanization and Indutrialization

In the section about urbanization, I learned about the second industrial revolution in the late 19th and early 20th century. What I learned about the second industrial revolution was that it changed the physical setting of cities, brought in technology, and it changed the intellectual setting as well. The physical setting was changed because of the rapid population growth and because of the large amount of people that began to move to cities. Because of the rapid growth, health challenges began to show up. For example, cholera, which was a tropical disease caused by mosquitoes. Electricity, railroads, communication, and steel were some of the new technologies that arose. The forms of communication made life much easier. Darwinism was survival of the fittest. Which is that the people who earned more lived a better life than the people who did not.
The Second Industrial Revolution.

In my view the most interesting city to live in would be Puebla, Mexico. I think it would be very interesting and truly AMAZING to live there because there is always something to do. There is a wide variety of malls and large shopping centers. One of the places that has many important buildings and stores is the Zocalo. Puebla is also called the City of Angels due to the fact that there are about 365 churches and they all have very many angels on the inside and outside. Puebla has the smallest volcano in the world the volcano is called Cuexcomate. One of the bad things about living in Puebla is that there is an exaggerating amount of traffic.
My Mexican Flag :)

The Parque Egologico in Puebla, Mexico


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Guns, Germs, and Steel.

In the movie, "Guns, Germs, and Steel", I learned the reason why some parts of the world are less poor than other parts. The reason is that every part of the world developed differently according to to its spot on the Earth. Not every place on the Earth has the same climate. The location on the line of latitude has a very large influence on how places develop. Some areas of the world do not have all the resources they need to be very successful. They have to work much harder than other places, so they are not as advanced as the others.

In Gambia, Africa, there are steps being taken to reduce poverty there. Also, to help improve social services. One of the several reasons for poverty, is that most of the households are too large. A way to fix the size of these houses would be to het the families to stop being so big. Which causes the families to have less money. Agro-Enterprise is an organization that is helping poor families get fed if they are too large or do not have the sufficient amount of money to buy the food. They want to help them because they have to work very hard to feed and give a good education to all of their children. Most of the children can not get a good education because they have to stay home to help raise money for their family.
The Gambian Flag

A typical street in Gambia.

I think that the impact of "geographic luck" is very unfair. There is nothing we can really do to fix it. We have to understand why some places are less poor than others and not just say the people are lazy. The global inequalities that result from it are that areas of the world such as Africa are that they can not have education like us. Also, they can not all have good jobs or good health. They can not have a good health because the few hospitals there are, are faraway from the cities or towns.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I have learned very much about Afghanistan. I have learned about all of its health issues, pollution, and low employment. I have also learned about Afghanistan's high death rate caused by the small amounts of clinics as well as doctors. The reason there are not many doctors is that there is a low literacy rate. Also, women can very rarely became doctors or nurses. High death rates occur because of the large amount of babies and mommies that die at birth because the babies are born at home. Pollution is a large problem because of the chemicals put into it and the bacteria that gets in it. Some of the health problems are because if diseases that get made in clinics because the clinics are not well sterilized. A variety of children are forced to work in mines so that their family has more money for food and other necessary things.

Water Pollution in Afghanistan.
On Friday December 4, US Marines were sent to Southern Afghanistan. They were sent there to try and stop the Taliban from communicating and moving drugs around. It is a very complicated task because the people that use to live there moved out, leaving the land to the Taliban. They take advantage of that land to grow opium poppy. What will also make this very hard is that the Afghan government is very weak.

The Taliban.
I think that if the Taliban could get destroyed it would help the government be stronger. If they were gone i think that since the government would be stronger, than they could do something to make there be less pollution. Also, they would be able to have more clinics and doctors. Which would then cause the unemployment rate to go down as well as the death rates. I think that the Afghan government should do a little more effort to fix things.