Sources-Japan Project

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Research Proposal

For the Japanese project, I am going to make a children's book. My audience will be young Japanese children learning about Japanese festivals and or carnivals.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Exploring Extremes

The South Pole was first reached by Roald Amundsen in December of 1911.

The North Pole was first reached by Robert Edwin Peary on April 6, 1909.

In 1924, George Mallory led an expedition to Everest in which he died.

The first documented people to reach the Summit were Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay on May 29, 1953.

I think people would want to do these extreme things because it is their passion and they might feel like they have to because someone special in their lives has done it. Someone might want to do that because they enjoy those kinds of things. I would not do something like that because it is not my passion and I think doing that would be very crazy. From my point of view it is perfectly fine to risk your life for something that is your dream and you really really REALLY have to and want to do this.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What was the "New Imperialism?"

The "New Imperialism" was when one place in the world dominated another part of the world without having direct contact with them. The New Imperialism began with the Europeans trying to westernize every place they set hand on. The areas they conquered were in some form westernized. In some places it brought many great things as well as many bad things. The Europeans westernized Asia and Africa the most. You could say that the Europeans were "touchy" with the places the conquered.

This "New Imperialism" came around in the 1800's. Europeans got very wealthy powerful quickly compared to the other areas of the world because they were in a bad economic situation. Of course they were not doing this for the benefit of others, they did it only for themselves.

Negative effects of the New Imperialism.

Some of the negative effects that the New Imperialism had on the conquered people were that they were changing the way they had lived for many years. For example they changed some of their traditions, beliefs, and sometimes even their very delicate religion. Another bad thing it had on the conquered people was that they were feeling confused, obligated, and weird with the New Imperialism kicking in. Some of the places they conquered were not even being informed of what was going on around them. For the Europeans the negative effects they were facing was having to pay for the conquering. Also it brought the Europeans many fights, arguments, and confusion.

Positive efects of the New Imperialism.

The positive effects the New Imperialism had on the conquered people was that they were exposed to a new idea, which was westernization. Also, they stopped having some of the horrible traditions they had. The conquered people did not gain very much. On the other hand the Europeans gained very much thanks to the "New Imperialism" and westernization. One of those benefits being that they got wealthy and got more territory than they already had. Also, they got better economies, well laid out governments, strong armies, and medical advances. They believed that one of the reasons why they had what they had was because no one could top off the Maxim gun.

More than 100 years leter, the world I live in still displays the impact of the New Imperialism.

The "New Imperialism can still be seen in the world I live in today in certain parts of the world were the European people have been. The Europeans are still very wealthy people and they have not been destroyed by anyone like they destroyed or conquered other people. Africa, a little bit more than Asia, are still very poor and have not progressed very much. They still do not get paid as well as they should be getting for the work they do. In pretty much every place you set foot on, in it's history, you can find at least a trace of the westernization/ "New Imperialism."

Europe Carved much of the world.