Sources-Japan Project

Monday, May 10, 2010

Food and water wasting and distribution is the issue I have decided to investigate.

Food waste is an enormous problem world wide, as well as it's distribution. The way food is distributed is not good. The producers of food get less of it and all the other places get much more than them. Another reason why some places have less food is because the more poor countries cannot afford the amounts of food like the richer countries. Also the amount of wasted food seems like an exaggeration, but sadly it is true. According to a CNN article by Rachel Oliver, the US could feed all the hungry people in Africa with just 5% of it's wasted food. This article also states that the US throws away about 25.9 million tons of the food it makes annually. As people waste food in one place, there are people dying of hunger in other places. Also in this article is stated that the wasted food in Italy could feed hungry Ethiopians. The reason I believe people all over the world do not realize that wasting food is very bad, is because they have never experienced hunger. Also because they have never lived in a place where food is well distributed. I think that if everyone who wastes food could get just a tiny taste of the hunger that 15 million children die of annually, food would not be wasted nearly as much as it is now. Besides the way food is distributed and how much of it is wasted, food waste releases a gas called methane. This gas is very bad for the environment because it absorbs a lot of heat from the Earth. So, the more we waste food and add on to the enormous pile of wasted food, the more careless people seem and the warmer the Earth gets. The amount of water wasted in the world is astonishing. Some of the ways water is wasted are truly pathetic. For example, leaving the water on while you brush your teeth, taking really long showers with the water running the whole time, and letting the water run to get hot water. There are various areas of the world where there is either a very small amount of water or the water they have is not good enough for them to drink it. Food and water issues are both international problems and need every one's help and cooperation to solve them. If everyone put in a little bit of their part their would be less deaths due to starvation. A way in which people everywhere could stop the waste of food, is if restaurants around the world begin to charge for every pound of food wasted. This would help because people would not want to pay for something extra that they are not using. Another way to cut down on the amount of food being wasted is by only buying the amount of food that you are actually going to eat. According to an article on Mail Online, another way governments around the world should help this is by making people put food into food recycling bins. If they do not obey this then they must pay a fine. A way for everyone to waste less water is by the government finding a way to only give us the amount of water that we need because commercials and videos obviously do not help. Another way is to charge more for water because people do not understand and do not realize how bad it is to waste water.

When you are about to waste food, I hope you feel guilty and think about all the children dying of starvation.

Hunger is a big deal.
DON'T WASTE FOOD WHILE OTHERS STARVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Turn the water off while you brush your teeth!! :)

Food recycle bins in Europe.

Other helpful sources: This source helped me to see the different "reasons'' people waste food.
This source helped me as well.

I've learned leaders in many nations of the world face complex problems that they feel can't be solved without international action or cooperation

With the help of different nations, Jamaica's drug problems could go down.

Egypt could cause the Nile River major problems! :(
I have learned from research and my friends that ever the prettiest and most peaceful looking places on the world have problems in which they need the help and support of other nations. An example of this is Jamaica because it is usually thought of with gorgeous beaches and peace. But drugs are a huge problem that they have to fix with the cooperation of it's surrounding nations because it could become an international problem. How? The drugs can begin to be transported and taken to more places and become almost uncontrollable to stop and eventually other places around there will have more drugs and so on. I learned from Victoria that Egypt is another place that needs the help of other nations. Egypt has a problem with pollution which is horrible. This is because if someone does not help them with controlling the pollution it could affect their most important resource, the Nile River. So, I have learned that nations alone can not fix such a large problem without any help at all. And if they do not receive help then it will become a larger problem.

I understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed through analysis of primary sources of many kinds.

A primary source is a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, created, or otherwise produced during the time under study. A primary source offers an inside view of a particular event. Other examples of primary sources are artifact, official records, and creative works. Primary sources are pieced together with multiple and overlapping evidences. A reliable account would be one that can not be developed by one piece, it has to have several evidences that are very similar.

This is a Japanese charcoal iron. New Imperialism is shown through this iron because it shows how the Japanese people began to introduce western ideas. And they started to leave the regular things they had. The source form which i got the picture is reliable because they are and it would be bad if they lied because it would ruin their reputation.

This is a photograph from the time of the New Imperialism. It shows the New Imperialism because it actually does show the negative side of it unlike many of the works of art that portray the New Imperialism in a good form. The site from where i got this image from is a trustworthy source because it comes from the Wesleyan University. Also, because the people who spoke about the picture studied photography and one of them taught at the university.

This is a picture of propaganda in the 1880's. This poster is advertising people to buy coffee. New Imperialism brought a "new" art, so to speak, because propaganda was everywhere you turned. It became something very important at the time. The place from where I got this picture from seems like a credible source to me because it is a coffee selling website and they would not lie. I think they would not lie because it would reflect badly on them because their customers would maybe stop trusting them if they found out it was a lie.

This is a picture of a work of art made in 1904 called The First Birthday which was in the time of the New Imperialism. The New Imperialism is reflected in this art because the picture shows that the European people were living a good life style which was a part of the New Imperialism for Europeans. Also, because they look calm which showed a more positive side of the New Imperialism. The place from where I got this picture and the date is credible because it was in The Flint Institute of Arts. It is reliable because an art institute would not make stuff up.

I have become more knowledgeable about the World

This is a picture of Joseph Kony wit other people in his army. Joseph Kony is the 3rd one starting from the right side. He is the leader of the LRA in Uganda.

This half of the year I have learned very much about current issues. The one that I will never forget learning and that has touched my heart the most was the problem in Uganda. The problem they are having at the moment is the LRA which is the Lord's Resistance Army. The army is made up of many people, mostly men, that were kidnapped by them. The head of the army is Joseph Kony. He has been running away for a long time. He has been in Uganda, Sedan, and the Republic of the Congo. They kidnap children between the ages of 5 and 8 because they are easy to manipulate and can help them. Besides the LRA capturing young children, they also cut people's ears, noses, and lips. Uganda has been trying to track Joseph Kony down but has not been able to because he is very astute. Two of his techniques to not get caught are to walk backwards and to walk in rivers to mislead those who are trying to get him. This is a terrible thing for young children to have to go through.

This is a 9mm Luger gun which was created by the Germans. they used this gun in both WW1 and WW2. It was the best gun at the time but was later changed for another gun because it took to much time and money to make.

In the Twentieth century the most important event was World War 1. It definitely had an effect on the way the world would be shaped. They created many things during the war to help win. One of the most interesting things they came up with were the copper masks. These masks were used for the people at the army that got shot on the face. The piece from the person's face that got messed up was remade with copper. The masks had a perfect fit and were held up with accessories. Other things they came up with were Machine guns, poison gas, and armed tanks. Sadly, when this war was over followed World War 2. In this war they made new things as well. For example, the hand grenade, flamethrowers, and the Assault rifle 44 along with many others. This made WW2 very powerful and caused the armies to be very destructible and violent.

I believe The World Flag is a perfect symbol telling us that everyone from everywhere, is special enough to be on the flag and that everyone should be united.

Race. This topic has become very touchy in our century. Race should not matter or exist. Race is just judging someone by the way they look. Which is completely pointless because there is no scientific definition that says that people with black skin or white skin are any different from each other. We all have bones, organs, and blood. The way a person looks should not be a target to make fun of them or ignore them or treat them like if they were less. A "white American" looking person could be from Africa and does not have to be dark colored. I learned this from the Race Quiz that we took. It had pictures and you had to drag and drop them under the "race" you thought they were in. I was the one with the highest amount correct and I only got 7 out of 20 correct. This shows a lot doesn't it?
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This is a picture of the beautiful Jamaican coast.
I have also learned very much about different and beautiful places in the world, my favorite being Jamaica. I love it for its gorgeous beaches. It has an awesome coastline filled with many animals and plants. Jamaica is well known for it's lively culture and Bob Marley. He is like their idle because he brought Reggae music there and made them popular. Another place I learned much about is China! I am very amazed at how much respect they have for each other. I love how they save face for one another and do not put each other down or embarrass. This is something that we do not very often see here, and if we do it's very few times. I also like that they have great manners.

Hands painted like the world are great!
There are so many different and interesting cultures around the world! Culture is something very simple and fun to look at. This is because in every place, sometimes even within the same country, there are different things each place could be unique for having. For example, food and music are the most obvious. Even the smallest unique things can make a place distinct from every other place on the planet. Isn't that amazing? For example, Italy, pasta; Mexico, Soccer; China, enormous cities, and so on.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lord's Resistant Army

In the article I read, it talked about the Lord's Resistance Army. Which is a group lead by Joseph Kony that kills and/or cuts off peoples ears, noses, and lips. What they are most known for though, is kidnapping children and making them killers. The Ugandan Army and some of the ex-LRA members are trying to capture them. The main ex-LRA member helping out is Patrick Opiyo Makasi. It is causing an enormous challenge to capture him due to how astute he is in the jungle. The United States is helping Uganda by providing them with trucks, airplanes, money, and fuel.


I think this is horrible and some freakishly smart person should be able to find him! I think that what Makasi is doing, is absolutly wonderful! :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jamaica’s issues.

In my country, Jamaica, we are having a very large problem in which we need the help and cooperation of our surrounding countries. The problem is that there is too much cannabis use in our country. Cannabis is the plant from which marijuana, hash, and hash oil come from. Although they are all different drugs, they all come from the cannabis plant. Marijuana comes from the dried leaves of the cannabis. Hash comes from the left-overs of the plant. The hash oil is a concentrate from hash. This is very bad for everyone because it already has spread around the world, but it will get worse. We really need to fix this and would appreciate your help.

** BAD**BAD**BAD**


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Research Proposal

For the Japanese project, I am going to make a children's book. My audience will be young Japanese children learning about Japanese festivals and or carnivals.